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I am a 15 year old home educated student from Millville, NB. I have been painting since I could walk and two years ago I extended my art interest into photography. I am a member of the Keswick Ridge 4H club. Last year, I completed an independent study on Digital Photography, and this year I jumped into Digital Photo Editing. My
instructor is professional photographer Dee Kohler. She has been a wonderful woman to learn from and look up to; I don’t know what I would have done without her. I thank GOD for Dee.

My parents have been very supportive in my photography endeavors. They let
their clumsy 13-year-old daughter spend all her savings on a Digital SLR
Cannon Rebel T5 camera and three lenses. What could go wrong? They hold an umbrella over their daughter and her camera as she photographs the wonders of the rainy world, while getting soaked themselves. I thank GOD for my mom and dad. Finally, I will mention the most supportive person in my life, JESUS. Without
GOD, I could do nothing. When I feel like giving up and don’t touch my camera in weeks, He shows me a flower, a dew drop, a snowflake and says, “My dear child, I gave you this gift for a reason; don’t give it up.” So, I always remember Colossian 3:23 “Whatever you do, do it with all of your heart, as working for the Lord, not men.”

Abbi Langille photography1 July 2018.JPG
Abbi Langille photography4 July 2018.JPG
Abbi Langille photography9 July 2018.JPG
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Abbi Langille photography2 July 2018.JPG
Abbi Langille photography3 July 2018.JPG
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